Blönduós is a town split by the river Blanda and the Ring Road

Blönduós: East Bank for Food, West Bank for Sleep

The eastern banks of Blanda River have long been the default stop in Blönduós. But thanks to ambitious renovations – new money to repair old houses – the western part of this riverside settlement is pulling visitors over the bridge.

This town of thousand people – including a substantial Syrian population – can be difficult to navigate for newcomers. Blame poor city planning, allowing the Ring Road businesses to become the central stop. In fact, some travelers pass Blönduós without really noticing a town with much to offer. 

Brimslóð Atelier Guesthouse

From the dining table at Brimslóð Atelier, a boutique guesthouse where dinner is part of the experience

Blönduós is a hub to explore northwestern Iceland 

The two parts of Blönduós - East Bank and West Bank - could also be called Eat and Sleep, respectively. 

Hótel Blönduós and Brimslóð Atelier Guesthouse are fantastic accommodation options, spread around multiple seaside properties. 

Hótel Blönduós, renovated in 2023, has a cute café across the road named Apotekarastofan where the local pharmacy was located in old times, around the time penicillin was discovered. The hotel also offers accommodation inside an old church

Brimslóð Atelier has a rustic interior and is owned by two cookbook authors. No surprise, a three-course dinner is part of the experience, a fixed menu served every night over summer. 

Blönduós has a large campground with lots of service, too. 

The playground in Blönduós

Blönduós has a castle! The playground is a public space outside school hours

Activities in Blönduós 

The above picture is of the school playground in Blönduós. Children of a certain age will demand a visit. Next to the school is the public pool Íþróttamiðstöðin Blönduósi, another family favorite. Top tip: Guests at the hot tub can serve themselves a cup of coffee. 

The Textile Museum (Heimilisiðnaðarsafnið) exhibits a collection of homemade wool and textile items, as well as Icelandic national costumes and artistic embroideries along with many of the tools and equipment used to produce them. 

Hrútey Island

The pedestrian bridge to Hrútey Island, in the middle of Blanda River

A lesser-known walking path is to Hrútey Island via a pedestrian bridge. The small island is green with picnic benches and singing birds. Enter the bridge from the Ring Road (Rte 1) on the eastern end of town. (The Hrútey parking lot is large but the island is still somewhat of a hidden gem.)

Where to eat in Blönduós 

For a gas station, N1 Blönduós certainly exceeds expectations in food variety: pylsa hot dogs, hamburgers, kjötsúpa meat soup, and fried fish. Many consider the place a default Ring Road stop. 

The Textile Museum in Blönduós

The Textile Museum occupies a beautiful space along Blanda River

While N1 serves the roadstop classics, Teni Restaurant is a rare find. The theme is Ethiopian, the place named after the owner’s Ethiopian mother. The restaurant recently relocated to a new strip mall in Blönduós. Samkaup, the only supermarket between Hvammstangi and Sauðárkrókur, is located at the mall, too. 


Friendly Skagaströnd is home to NES Artist Residency

Around Blönduós

  • Skagaströnd is a small fishing village with a laid-back vibe and wonderful trails along Spákonuhöfði. 
  • Kálfshamarsvík, on the rugged Skagi Peninsula, has a photogenic lighthouse with basalt rocks in the foreground. 
  • Hvítserkur, the postcard picture of the region, is an impressive sea stack some say is a petrified troll. 

View a short video from Blönduós here below.

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Blönduós: East Bank for Food, West Bank for Sleep