People Glacial walking

Sustainability travel tips

Visit the regions, stay for longer and travel slowly during the off-season

One of the best ways to visit Iceland sustainably is by visiting the regions, staying for longer, and traveling slowly during the off-season.  

Take your time to explore the island, rather than hurrying from sight to sight, trying to do as much as possible in a short time. Instead, use alternative “slow” means of transportation, eat locally produced food, shop at local markets, and engage in cultural events and activities that let you connect with the various places around Iceland and the people living in the country.  

Check out scenic routes in Iceland

The high travel season in Iceland is during the summer in June, July and August. By visiting during the off-season and spreading your travels around, less pressure is put on the society and environment in Reykjavík and other popular areas. Additionally, by adopting this mindset, your money is spent in ways that benefit local economies around Iceland.  

A goat at Háafell farm

11 sustainability travel tips

1. Pack light and compensate for the carbon footprint of your travels locally.

2. Slow down your travels and stay for longer.

3. Use public transport or rent electric or hybrid vehicles (

Find charging stations


4. Travel during the off-season and explore regions closely.

5. Choose locally made products and services from local businesses.

6. Buy products and services with eco-labels.

7. Attend cultural events.

8. Stay on hiking trails, never drive off-road and camp within campsites.

9. Drink tap water - “



10. Be mindful of your energy and resource usage.

11. Reduce, reuse and recycle.

Travel responsibly

Traveling always involves some carbon emissions from transportation, lodging, and other activities. Therefore, the most sustainable way to travel is to compensate for your unavoidable emissions. By supporting local carbon-capturing projects, you also benefit Icelandic nature and societies. 

Below, you can find a calculator for the carbon footprint of your travels and links to local carbon-capturing projects you can support to offset your travel-related emissions. We also encourage you to take the Icelandic pledge and thereby agree to be a responsible tourist.

Calculate your Carbon Footprint

Find the carbon footprint of your travels and compensate by supporting local carbon-capturing f...


Take the Icelandic Pledge

Agree to respect Iceland's nature and to travel responsibly during your visit.


Drink kranavatn

Make tap water your drink of choice in Iceland - it's one of the purest in the world!


Get inspired

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